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GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS Although based in Waterbury, Family Law Attorney Michael Conway represents clients in various courts which include:
Our office has also represented clients in the State Appellate and State Supreme Courts of Connecticut. Experienced legal The experience of divorce leaves many reeling. Where do I go from here? You will be transitioning into a new life that may require the services of an attorney. Although our firm focuses on providing family legal services, we have helped past clients with other matters. In the event real property needs to be sold or refinanced, we can help you. It may be advisable to revise your will. Once you have established a relationship with us, let us help you in other matters if we can; just ask us and we will be happy to help. If the legal service you need is not a service we offer, we will gladly refer you to some one we trust to make your choice easier. ![]() What YOU need ... What YOU want ... What YOU should expect ... ![]() Admitted to practice: Member of: |
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SERVICES Matrimonial Law Family Law Divorce Mediation Divorce / Family Law Family Law encompasses very personal, far-reaching issues that touch our lives in many ways, some of which can be extremely sensitive, complex and delicate. Our family law practice is led by Waterbury divorce attorney Michael K. Conway. Our Family Law department handles every issue surrounding every phase of divorce, post-divorce issues, parenting issues, prenuptial agreements and subsequent marriages, and blended families. Every matter brought to our practice receives the benefit of decades of experience and training, with the utmost level of professionalism, respect and sensitivity. Michael K. Conway, Esq. is an attorney dedicated to navigating sensitive legal issues through his zealous advocacy. Examples include:
If you have a family law matter and would like to speak with Attorney Conway, please contact us online at info@conwayfamilylaw.com or call 203.597.0087 as soon as possible. Divorce Mediation MEDIATION is a terrific option for couples considering uncontested divorce. We encourage couples to focus on the stuff that matters to them the most. This voluntary process enables couples to find solutions to their relationship problems and to reach settlement agreements in a mutually beneficial manner. Divorce or separation cause stress and upheaval in the lives of the people involved. MEDIATION offers a great alternative to both parties that helps change them from adversaries in a lawsuit into two people cooperating to solve problems together. Even after divorce, especially if you have children at home, the other person usually remains in your life one way or another. MEDIATION helps you visualize and lay out a healthy path for your life after the legal process completes.
Alimony/Spousal Support In Connecticut, under some circumstances, there is a continuing duty of one spouse to support the other during and after the divorce. This is called alimony or spousal support. The original purpose of alimony was to avoid, usually the wife, from seeking state assistance (welfare) when the other spouse was financially able to support their ex-spouse. The purpose of alimony has evolved over the decades and often we see the court granting alimony for rehabilitative purposes (allowing one spouse to finish schooling or training enabling them to become self sufficient some time in the future). People often think that it is always the husband that pays alimony to the wife. However, that is not the case and the court has the ability to order alimony to either party. In considering whether alimony/spousal support is appropriate the court may consider a number of factors, including, but not limited to:
When making a final order of alimony, the court may also consider fault such as the reason for the breakdown of the marriage. Alimony is not an automatic right and we must provide the court with justification for an award of alimony, whether it is during the divorce or at the final divorce. We can help make that determination and chart an appropriate course to protect your rights under the law. Conversely, we will defend against any request for alimony should it not be appropriate under your circumstances. To learn more about Alimony/Spousal Support, contact us online at info@conwayfamilylaw.com or call 203.597.0087. Child Custody If a divorcing couple has a minor child or children the issue raised in child custody can often be the most difficult and emotional they will face throughout this process. The hard fact is that neither parent will see their child or children every single day as when the family was together. The question of where do their children reside after (and sometime during) the divorce is a complicated issue. Most people confuse custody (where does the child reside) with how often the non-custodial parent will see the child (visitation). That is simply not the case. Parents who live in close proximity to one another sometimes share time with the children even though one parent's home is designated as the child's residence. What is the difference between joint custody and sole custody? Will that matter? Can the child or children share equal time with each parent after the divorce? If I am the father can I have custody of the child or children? We routinely deal with these issues and treat them with the utmost sensitivity. The custodial arrangement which is in the best interest of the child or children is vital. We have successfully handled many cases with this issue in the past and offer our experience to guide in making the best decision in your case. To learn more about Child Custody, contact us online at info@conwayfamilylaw.com or call 203.597.0087. Child Support When a family separates, the income or incomes that were available to support one household now must support two. The court will require, under most circumstance, that a child support order be made from the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent (the parent the children reside with) under the Connecticut Child Support Guidelines. The obvious purpose of the support is to maintain the necessary living expenses of the child just as any parent would have done if they were still living together. The net incomes of both parents are considered and are used in a formula (which provides consistency in support) to determine that amount of child support to be paid. The amount will be based upon the incomes of the parties and the number of children being supported. Therefore, the child support is not just based upon the non-custodial parent's income, as well to demonstrate the obligation to support the child or children is a joint obligation. The parent's obligation is not only to be physically present but also financially present. Included in child support are two other components. Unreimbursed medical expenses for the minor children and unreimbursed child care expenses (allowing custodial parent to work). We will advise you fully of your right or obligation concerning child support. Child support can be increased or decreased (modified) if circumstances change substantially in either parent's income. If one parent did not have a job when the original order of support was entered, then obtained a job later, the court may change the order upon motion of the other parent, to reflect that change. If one parent had a well paying job and through no fault of their own lost that job and income, the court may also consider that change in a request to modify the support he or she may have been paying. To learn more about Child Support, contact us online at info@conwayfamilylaw.com or call 203.597.0087. Property Division The most frequent question we are asked by clients is "What are my rights?" This question is asked in terms of real property—My husband owned the house before we were married and now he says I am not entitled to any of it. Is that true? Or in the case of inheritance, my wife inherited a large bank account during our marriage; can that be divided by the court? Am I entitled to any of my spouse's pension benefits? In this state (Connecticut), the court will divide real estate and personal property equitably. Equitably means fairly. There is no presumption that it is equally. In other words, you may receive half of an asset you owned jointly during the marriage, but retain 100% of another asset you had prior to your marriage. I stress the word "may," as ultimately there are several factors that the court considers in dividing up personal property. In deciding how to approach the division of these assets, we often call in the help of experts such as a real estate appraiser, pension appraiser or business evaluator to determine the value of the assets and what portion of the asset was acquired during the marriage. We have used these experts to testify at trials in the past to provide the court with as much information as possible to make as fair a division of property as possible. Other Services Once we have established a relationship with our clients they tend to ask us to handle other matters that typically need attention after the divorce is finalized. It is our pleasure to continue to represent them and we often do. While our primary focus is on the practice of matrimonial and family law we do offer the following services that need attention and are a by product of a divorce. Real Estate Closings After a divorce, we help our clients refinance a home or purchase a new home with the proceeds they received from the marital home. We frequently represent our clients in these matters and our firm is an authorized representative in Connecticut Attorney's Title Insurance Company (CATIC). We pride ourselves in establishing long term relationships with our clients and want to help you in any way we can. Estate Planning If you have a will prior to your divorce, you spouse is most likely named as the beneficiary of that will. You will, of course, not want to have your spouse as your beneficiary after your divorce. We frequently advise our clients on the appropriate estate planning after dissolution. And will be pleased to sit with you and redraw your will. If you don't have a will, then it may still be appropriate to plan your estate to provide for your children or other relatives if you remain single. Step Parent Adoption Although the step parent adoption matters do not necessarily result from a dissolution of marriage we are prepared to handle these matters. This is not to be confused with an adoption by a couple or intact family seeking a child. Step parent adoption occurs when the mother or father of the child is a single parent, meaning the other parent has either died or their rights have been terminated by the court. Then the spouse or significant other of the single parent adopts the child and the child will legally have two parents again. Contact our office immediately, either online at info@conwayfamilylaw.com or call 203.597.0087, to schedule a consultation with Attorney Michael Conway—an expert lawyer who is devoted to meeting your needs. Please review our comprehensive website |
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