Divorce and Stress
Stress may interfere with your ability to
function in your daily life. Many people going
through divorce express feelings like “I’m in a
fog.” “I don’t know how I can function.” We are
not suggesting that these recommendations are
easy to implement, after all, divorce brings with
it many negative emotions that can put you
under duress, moreover ...
Here are some tips for dealing
with Divorce Stress:
- Pay attention to your emotional needs:
let your feelings out—join a support
group, speak with a therapist, share with a
trusted friend or join a Bible-based place
of worship and make new friends.

- Stay active—start or stay with your
exercise routine—consider adding a
calming and meditative practice such as

- Nurture yourself—get plenty of rest, eat
healthy and nutritious foods, make a list of
your positive qualities and say them to
yourself every day—for example: “I am a
good mother/father; I am a loving person;
I am attractive.”

- Give yourself permission to feel and to
heal: Emotions are normal—how you
handle them is important—be careful not
to succumb to drugs or alcohol. This only
leads to destructive behavior.

- Avoid hasty decisions—when you are
living through a stressful situation, any
decision or change to your life should be
well thought out. Take your time, weigh all
the options and consequences.

- Have fun ... laugh, play, go out, find new
friends, surround yourself with positive
people. Find a terrific place to worship.

- Forgive yourself ... forgive your spouse
... and move forward.

Admitted to practice:

State of Connecticut since 1987

United States District Court since 1988
Member of:

Connecticut Bar Association

Past Chair of the Family Law Section

Member of the Executive Committee
Family Law Section

American Bar Association
Member of the Family Law Section

Waterbury Bar Association
Member of the Family Law Section

Christian Legal Society

Connecticut Attorney’s
Title Insurance Corporation

Throughout the divorce process, the biggest favor you can do for YOU is to be kind to yourself ... and let go
of the things you can. It may seem like you won’t make it through, yet you will, and YOU will be stronger and
happier. The Law Offices of Michael K. Conway has taken the time, developed the relationships and put in the
research to make sure YOU come out of your process feeling whole, healthy, supported, and ready to
move forward with confidence. Below are a plethora of resources dedicated to helping you toward your goal.





Love & Respect, Eggerichs, 2004

The Five Love Languages, Chapman, 2004

Divorce and Recovery, 101 Stories about Surviving and Thriving after Divorce, Canfield, 2008

The Healthy Divorce Keys to Ending your Divorce While Preserving Your Emotional Well-Being, Gold

Mars and Venus Together Forever, Gray, 2005

The Verbally Abusive Relationship, Evans, 1996

My Ex is Driving Me Crazy 10 Strategies for Reclaiming Your Life After Divorce, Koman, 2008

Still Hot The Uncensored Guide to Divorce, Dating, Sex, Spite and Happily Ever After, Mittenthal, 2008

Helping Your Kids Cope With Divorce the Sandcastles Way, Neuman,1998

Building a Love that Lasts, The Seven Surprising Secrets of Successful Marriage, Schmitz, 2010

The Divorce Organizer Planner, Sember, 2004

Dumped A Survival Guide for the Woman Who’s Been Left by the Man She Loved, Warren,1998
Please review our comprehensive website
and either call 203.597.0087 or contact us online: info@conwayfamilylaw.com
to schedule an appointment so we can determine how best to help you.