Although based in Waterbury, Family Law
Attorney Michael Conway represents
clients in various courts which include:
- Litchfield
- Meriden
- Middletown
- Milford
- New Britain
- New Haven
- Waterbury
Our office has also represented
clients in the State Appellate and State
Supreme Courts of Connecticut.
Experienced legal
we offer a caring,
heightened sensitivity to you
and your legal situation
Attorney Michael Conway:
Ready and able during
your time of need
The experience of divorce leaves many reeling.
Where do I go from here? You will be
transitioning into a new life that may require the
services of an attorney. Although our firm
focuses on providing family legal services, we
have helped past clients with other matters. In
the event real property needs to be sold or
refinanced, we can help you. It may be
advisable to revise your will.
Once you have established a relationship with
us, let us help you in other matters if we can;
just ask us and we will be happy to help. If the
legal service you need is not a service we
offer, we will gladly refer you to some one we
trust to make your choice easier.
What YOU need ...
Attorney Michael Conway is meticulous when it
comes to tending to details so that nothing is missed.
He guides you so you don't do something that might
cause a problem down the road.
What YOU want ...
Attorney Michael Conway uses understandable
language to explain the process so that YOU feel
more in control.
What YOU should expect ...
Attorney Michael Conway is accessible, responsive,
timely—a respected professional.
Admitted to practice:

State of Connecticut since 1987

United States District Court since 1988
Member of:

Connecticut Bar Association

Past Chair of the Family Law Section

Member of the Executive Committee
Family Law Section

American Bar Association
Member of the Family Law Section

Waterbury Bar Association
Member of the Family Law Section

Christian Legal Society

Connecticut Attorney’s
Title Insurance Corporation
WHY “mediation” is the right choice for your divorce ...
Divorce mediation gives both parties ultimate control over the
outcome of their dispute—often saving you thousands of
dollars in fees & countless hours in court
You discuss your case within the privacy of my office and not in public court house
with dozens of other cases waiting to be heard.
You scheduled the time you are available to negotiate, not the court.
You pay the mediator per visit and you don’t pay a retainer (a lump sum).
You are likely to resolve your difference sooner by getting the private personalized
attention your case needs and deserves.
If you have children, this process reduces the trauma to the children by focusing
on their needs and not involving the court or court personnel.
MEDIATION is a voluntary process that allows couples the opportunity to discover their
own solutions to problems in their relationship and reach a mutually agreeable settlement
on the matters that are most important to them. Divorce or separation is a very difficult
issue to face in one's life. MEDIATION offers the parties an alternative that transforms
them from being adversaries in a law suit, to become cooperative problem solvers and
charting the path for your life after divorce or separation.
MEDIATION is control.
It is control over your finances, time, assets, and most importantly your future. Instead of
the traditional adversarial process (two parties through their attorneys digging into their
positions before a judge in a court room) it is an alternative where two people can discuss
the issues, one on one, with a mediator, and privately resolve their disagreements civilly. If
are reading this because you are contemplating, or in the process of, a divorce, custody
dispute, separation or some life changing event that will eventually require the involvement
of the legal system, don't you agree that civilly resolving your disputes is a much
better approach.
MEDIATION takes place outside of the court and is designed for the individuals, who
know best about their lives and want the control over the important decision that are about
change their lives.
Your mediator will be a neutral person whose sole purpose
is to guide the parties to agreement on every issue.
He or she does not represent either party and cannot. The mediator will provide the road
map and the parties choose the destination and how they will get there. This process is
confidential and cannot be used against either party should they decide not to complete
the process. The mediator cannot give legal advice to either party. However, choosing an
experienced mediator who is knowledgeable is critical to the process.
There are very few cases that can't be mediated. Most cases in the courts, perhaps
80 to 90 percent, settle before trial. Experience shows that once the parties are serious
about settling and start talking face to face, the case can be resolved. The goal of mediation
is to talk face to face from the start and then move toward settlement sooner rather
than later. There is of course the added bonus of saving time, money and respect for one
another. There are always exceptions to the rule and some cases are not good case to
mediation due to an abusive situation or the parties simply want to fight and prolong the
agony. However, it is more likely than not that MEDIATION is right for you.
MEDIATION also allows the parties to control the cost of the process. A successful
mediation reduces the cost, and the fees are totally controlled by the parties. If you are
able to resolve all your issues in a few sessions, which are generally one and half to two
hours long, then the process is over and the fees stop. Some case are more complex and
require more time, you will pay the mediator for the session you use.
Your children benefit from MEDIATION. Voluntarily mediating your case is mature way to
demonstrate to your child or children the best way to resolve disagreements or disputes is
to talk about them. This process is less stressful on you, and, therefore, it will be less
stressful on them.
An agreement that you make through this process that is mutually acceptable is more
likely to last in the long run, and be followed by both parties, than any orders a judge
makes after a trial that neither of you might be happy with.
Please review our comprehensive website
and either call 203.597.0087 or contact us online: info@conwayfamilylaw.com
to schedule an appointment so we can determine how best to help you.